Sunday, March 9, 2008

question #4

well, it's been a while since we've had a question posted. i hope this one will generate some good discussion as we all probably have good reality in this area!

what keeps you from sharing your faith?


Lisa Curtis said...

lately, just being tired keeps me from sharing. I have a heavy class load and an internship that take a lot of energy and time, so when I am in situations where it's not against the rules to share (ie not at my internship), I'm so exhausted that I don't see opportunities right in front of my face. At the beginning of the internship, I was able to have some good conversations with coworkers despite the rules, but lately, that hasn't been as true, so that's been a huge barrier too.

Matt Robinson said...

Lately, for me its been a combination of being busy with school work and outside relationship maintenance combined with a lack of peers surrounding me to challenge me to go. I go during discipleship time but I don't know if anyone has ever asked me out of the blue to go out sharing (finger pointed at myself on that too)

John Kohles said...

Recently for me, I have struggled going out to share due to the lack of time. I have had the opportunities to set up lunches with neighbors in the dorms and plan on going out to share with them. However, my roommate and I have struggled to find time. On the other hand, I have struggled with my neighbors as the desire for things not to get weird. I have struggled with these freshmen at times, but am realizing the need to share with these guys and God has really been showing how he loves these guys.

Michael D said...

I usually have a sense of when people stop listening and simply start nodding their head. The mention of the name "Jesus" triggers this more often than not. The problem is that people write me off as a religious fanatic if they think I've initiated a conversation solely to convert them. I am sometimes kept from sharing my faith by the feeling that the past will repeat itself and my words will fall on deaf ears. I am only able to avoid this by being genuinely excited about my faith and about sharing it with others through love. People are usually willing to listen when they see something so true.

tpope said...

I usually don't try to spring the Gospel every chance I get. If I can work it into a conversation naturally and be able to listen to them and their beliefs and then get to share my beliefs I will, but I really like the timing to be up to the Lord. If I feel like God is pushing me to go ahead and talk about Jesus I will, but if we're just talking and this person really doesn't want to go there then I'm not going to bring it up. 'People don't care how much you know until you show them how much you care.' (not original)

Nathan said...

I fear people. I have trouble admitting that sometimes because I fear the response I'll get from Christians when they find out that I fear what non-Christians will think of me when I fearfully share the gospel. That's a gigantic obstacle for me, being caught up in others' perceptions of me, or what I think those perceptions are.

This feeling so much of the time overwhelms my meager passion for nonbelievers, and so many times I do not share my faith

Dr Chris Hill said...

Hi Shana

Here's a good video I found on YouTube about religion, you might like to view it and see what you think.

”God in my life”

I think it makes a lot of good common sense don't you?


Chris Hill

American youth: Young gifted and passionate about religion. ”Fiery lady”